e-Judging App
The Quick Calculator accepts the Judge's Placing and Class Cuts. Enter the Contestant's Placing, and the contestant's score instantly appears. Record this score on an external contest spreadsheet, clear the old contestant data, then enter the next Contestant's Placing.
Use the Classes tool to save the judge's official class placing/cuts for each class for later recall. The Placing Card shows a traditional scoring table for all possible contestant placings based on the judge's data currently on the main screen.
The e-Judging app does not save or compile any contestant data. All data is deleted when the app is closed.
To manage an entire judging contest, download our e-Judging Pro app. e-Judging Pro app will provide valuable contest management tools. It saves and manages all contest data, including names, teams, counties, multiple classes, reasons, and scores. It will calculate individual and team winners by class and overall. Both apps are produced by New Mexico State University's Learning Games Lab.
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